Living Fit and Well (GNED 1114) – S2 – Monsignor John Pereyma C.S.S.


Course Description

Students in this course will learn that fitness and wellness play significant roles in determining one’s quality of life and the vitality with which it is lived. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of physical activity and become increasingly aware that each person is responsible for their own fitness, wellness and overall health. Students will learn the foundational principles of exercise and increase awareness regarding the impact of health and wellness in daily life. Students will also implement various life skills, strategies and behaviours related to holistic wellness and vitality. Students will be assessed through a combination of fitness appraisals, independent personal physical activity, creation of a personal fitness program, implementation of a lifestyle change endeavor, in class tests, and ongoing journaling. Academic programs teach how to make a living. The Living Fit & Well course teaches how to live well!

Additional Information


Course Hours




Secondary Course Name


Instructional Location

Monsignor John Pereyma C.S.S.

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